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Where Success is Owned



Conference Registration 

In-Person: May 11-12, 2023
   Early Bird Conference Pricing  Regular Conference Pricing 
 Active Member   $699  $749
 Trial or Non-Member    $799
 Member Live Stream    $179
 Additional AGM Tickets    $129
 *all transactions will be charged HST upon checkout  

Click here to register



Membership Information 


Individual Membership - $199 per year plus GST (if your Province charges HST the difference between GST and HST is included in your membership fee).  For individuals or businesses looking for a single membership, includes a discount on conferences and other pay per view webinars and events. 


Individual Membership (3 month free trial) - includes 1 membership, does not include any event discounts



Business Membership - $399 per year plus GST (if your Province charges HST the difference between GST and HST is included in your membership fee).  Includes 1 primary membership and up to 5 additional secondary members from the same Organization.  For businesses looking looking for 2 or more memberships and includes discounts for conferences and other pay per view webinars and events.


Business Membership (3 month free trial) - includes 1 Primary and up to 5 secondary memberships, does not include any event discounts



Service Provider Membership - $399 per year plus GST (if your Province charges HST the difference between GST and HST is included in your membership fee).  Includes 1 primary membership and up to 5 additional secondary memberships from the same Organization.  For an Individual or Business that offers service to others in exchange for payment and includes advertising on our Service Provider web page which is visible to both members and non members. Also included are discounts for conferences and other pay per view webinars and events.


Service Provider Membership (3 month free trial) - includes 1 primary and up to 5 secondary memberships, does not include any event discounts


Check out our ESOP Service Providers Directory Here


Join the ESOP Association Canada Now  




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